Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Phone Concepts Juice Themselves Up

French designers ModeLabs have come up with three new cell phone concepts that use the inherent motion of their use to charge them up. The first (and most practical/interesting, in my opinion) is the U-Turn, a phone that gets juiced up by flipping the keyboard out. Less practical are the YoYo, getting charged by bouncing around while hanging around your neck, and Runaway, which gets its juice by being attached to your wrist while you run.

That's the U-Turn up above, on the other side check out the YoYo and Runaway. What do you guys think, will this sort of thing catch on? It seems like such limited motion couldn't fully charge a phone, but it would be a nice supplement and could help end the stranded feeling you get when your phone dies when you're out away from a charger.

I hope I can get my hand on it as soon as it hits the shelves! :D

Monday, December 25, 2006

Tech update: SED TV

SED TVs : The Boss of LCD and PLASMA TVs

Bah...see what, India doesnt have much of LCD and PLASMA TV users and the SED TVs would soon be launched by Toshiba. Wonder ...when will we get such technolgy here. Anyways, here goes the info for SED TVs:

SED TV, which stands for surface conduction electron emitter display , will provide a better picture than LCD or plasma TVs, say Toshiba and its partner, Canon. Toshiba also claims they have managed to cut the manufacturing costs so that the TVs won't cost much more than similarly sized LCDs or plasmas

Weee.......now thats good news....so why wont people buy SED TVs rather than LCD TVs?

The TVs, however, have been stung by a series of delays. Toshiba and Canon started working together on SED in 1999 and said the first TVs would hit retail shelves in 2005. In October, Toshiba pushed out the release again, and said the first SED TVs, a 55-inch TV, would come out in late 2007.

Now thats too bad.....I hate these delays.........

So those who are thinking to buy new LCD or PLASMA TVs, think once more about this future TV you may get your hand on if you can be patient for a while.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Tech Update : Wibree

(A unique radio technology extending local connectivity to small devices
HELSINKI, Finland )

Nokia today introduced Wibree technology as an open industry initiative extending local connectivity to small devices. This new radio technology developed by Nokia Research Center complements other local connectivity technologies, consuming only a fraction of the power compared to other such radio technologies, enabling smaller and less costly implementations and being easy to integrate with Bluetooth solutions. Wibree is the first open technology offering connectivity between mobile devices or Personal Computers, and small, button cell battery power devices such as watches, wireless keyboards, toys and sports sensors. By extending the role mobile devices can play in consumers’ lives, this technology increases the growth potential in these market segments.
The goal being to have the new technogy available to the market as fast as possible, Nokia is defining the Wibree interoperability specification together with a group of leading companies representing semiconductor manufacturers, device vendors and qualification service providers. The technology will be made broadly available to the industry through an open and preferably existing forum enabling wide adoption of the technology. The forum solution is under evaluation and will be defined by the time the specification is finalized. According to the current estimate the first commercial version of the interoperability specification will be available during second quarter of 2007.
The current members of the group defining the specification are: Broadcom Corporation, CSR, Epson and Nordic Semiconductor having licensed the Wibree technology for commercial chip implementation and Suunto and Taiyo Yuden, contributing to the interoperability specification in their respective areas of expertise. “Wibree technology is an important development that opens up new market opportunities and a whole new range of possibilities for mobile users,” says Dr. Bob Iannucci, head of Nokia Research Center. “Our aim is to establish an industry standard faster than ever before by offering an interoperable solution that can be commercialized and incorporated into products quickly.”
Technical details:Wibree technology complements close range communication with Bluetooth like performance within 0-10 m range and data rate of 1 Mbps. Wibree is optimized for applications requiring extremely low power consumption, small size and low cost. Wibree is implemented either as stand-alone chip or as Bluetooth-Wibree dual-mode chip. The small devices like watches and sports sensors will be based on stand-alone chip whereas Bluetooth devices will take benefit of the dual-mode solution, extending Bluetooth device connectivity to new range of smallest devices.
For more information on Wibree see the website http://www.wibree.com/
So, bluetooth lovers, get ready for some more fun!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Puzzles for killing time

Due to request of many of my friends, I publish 469 solved infosys puzzles on my blog(ofcourse after googling). Though you should not expect such type of things on a Blog, but......anything for friends :D

So download the solved puzzles from the link below:

Enjoy and Tease your Brain!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Tech Update: The Electronic Newspaper

Ever wondered that the fiction shown in the movie "Minority Report" would turn into reality? Ya, this time the idea of the famous director Steven Speilberg has been materialised by IBM. Now, what is Electronic Newspaper?

An electronic newspaper is a self-contained, reusable, and refreshable version of a traditional newspaper that acquires and holds information electronically. The near-future technology - researchers expect to have the product available as soon as 2003 - will use e-paper (electronic paper) as the major component. Information to be displayed will be downloaded through a wireless Internet connection. A number of versions of the future technology are in development, although there are two frontrunners: Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) is working on a newspaper that would consist of a single sheet of their e-paper (called Gyricon), while Lucent, in partnership with a company called E Ink, is working on a multi-page device.

The challenge involved in creating a viable electronic newspaper is to develop a device that has the desirable characteristics of traditional paper in addition to its own inherent benefits (such as being automatically refreshable). Like traditional paper, the electronic newspaper must be lightweight, flexible, high-resolution, glare-free, and affordable, if it is to gain consumer approval. Sheridon proposes that the Gyricon version could cost about the same as a year's subscription to a regular newspaper.

So, what are you thinking of??? The day when your traditional 'Paper' newspaper being replaced by 'Electronic' newspaper is not far away!!!...

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

In His Own Image

Today, I would like to express my excitement towards one of the Best series I have ever watched (ya surely after LOST)......what I feel is the way of thinking people have in India and abroad.....while the serial makers here would not budge other than making "Saas-Bahu" series,the creators abroad think in a different "Innovative" way. Thats why we see most of the new inventions happen outside India.......I am not against Indians in any sense, but I do honor the Indians which work abroad creating new inventions.........leaving aside the Inventions and the Inventors........what the series abroad prove is they have a wild imaginary sense and ya......I do like these ideas than the normal 'rona-dhona' and the same repeating quarells and dramas between the Indian "Saas-Bahu". Again, leaving aside the eccentric behaviour of "Saas and Bahus", just head on to the following link for the proof, that Heroes does rock! Just head on to the link : http://www.mininova.org/tor/446861

Download the torrent and use program like BitComet ( Google for the setup download) and just watch it!!!

And also watch out the amazing Indian scientist and his work which make the story of this great series......

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Start of my Blog

With an increase in fad of having blogs and keeping them regularly updated, I too was willing to create a blog, but because of no access to internet, I had to delay my wish by 1 month. 1 month??? Ya...........thats because the exams peeped in and havent being studied for the last 5months, it was high time to start studying in the last month, just to increase the hopes of passing through the semester exams. Now being free of exams, tonight a start my blogging.......hoping to keep it updated regularly :P